Good Vs Evil Sustained Investigation

Good vs. evil, and superheroes are everywhere. All of these heroes are fighting evil, or becoming evil. In every piece there is some sort of evil presence lurking, wether that be the idea of the piece or a background. The theme is that evil beings exist everywhere.

The photos all had layer masking, and other tools used in every one. But in some of the pieces I experimented with new tools that I do not normally use. For example the spot healing brush, filters, and messing with the color and contrast. The Images all have different features. The amount of practice that went into each piece, and that I got out of each piece was immense. I asked questions to Mr. Fullwood and he helped revise my work through the process and helped me make my projects better. I did on a 1 project, print it out and put it in film, developed it in the dark room and added color back to it.
Good Vs Evil Sustained Investigation

Good Vs Evil Sustained Investigation


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