Project Overview
My Mission: To make my capstone project something engaging that the audience could directly interact with.
My Goals: 
1) To create something that others could immerse themselves in, that can encourage interaction and the spirit of creation.
2) To brand a project with a specific identity that conveys concepts like "dreams," "weird," and "whimsical."
3) To incorporate my various skills into one large design project. Initially aiming to bring in my illustration and storytelling but also ended up incorporating motion graphics, video editing, character design, merchandise design, and concepting.

REMiniscence is an interactive project revolving around the story of Remi, an alien robot who crash lands on Earth while on a very important mission. She learns that human experiences can provide fuel for her to get back home. The audience can help Remi on her journey by telling her their dreams and help visualize the dreams for Remi to teach her about Earthlings.
Even from the very first iteration of the project I knew my 3 keywords and I wanted to stick to these themes of "dreams," "weird," and "whimsical." (Pages 14-15 from Behind the Clouds: The Full Process Book) 
I did a lot of market research in the very beginning of the project to see what the ages, genders, and interests were of anyone who seemed even a little bit interested in my capstone. I asked my classmates, I asked my closest friends, I asked people on social media. I also made sure that with this survey I asked for dreams and if any creatives wanted to contribute to the project. (Pages 34-39 from Behind the Clouds: The Full Process Book)
Coming up with the name for the project wasn't that easy either, but after doing naming exercises and landing on "REMiniscence" a lot of things started to click for me. (Pages 42-45 from Behind the Clouds: The Full Process Book)
(Pages 52-53 from Behind the Clouds: The Full Process Book)
It took me a very long time and many iterations to get to this logo that you see today, but at some point it clicked that this wasn't a typical brand identity for a business and more so an identity for a creative collective's project. (Pages 64-67 from Behind the Clouds: The Full Process Book)
Ever since I was a child, I loved reading. Getting lost in new and different worlds was my favorite pastime for many years. In recent years I've discovered that I love storytelling and have developed the habit of writing down any idea I had in mind for a story, especially if I thought it was a stupid idea. I now have a great collection of stories and ideas that I can look back on and incorporate into different projects. This practice of mine is what initially sparked my senior studio idea and over time I managed to refine this project into its own little story.
3 poster series, designed to work together and separately
REMiniscence is the story of Remi, an alien robot who crash lands on Earth while on a very important mission for her home planet. While she's stranded on Earth with no fuel and no idea how to get around, she discovers that human dreams and experiences have enough energy to power her ship. The REMiniscence Project is the collection of these experiences that Remi can use as fuel to return home.
Remi stickers for the project
REMiniscence is an interactive project about strange dreams and weird memories. It's a project in which the audience can submit dreams and can also help visualize the dreams for Remi, who has no clue about how things work on Earth. The main website is a way for the audience to submit their dreams to the project. The accompanying zine collects some of the art responses and their accompanying dreams and presents them in a printed format. My goal with REMiniscence is to create something that others could immerse themselves in, that can encourage interaction and the spirit of creation. Something that, unbeknownst to me when I started this project last year, would end up becoming really needed in these unprecedented quarantine times.
Preview of the zine titled; The Captain's Log
Snippets of social media posts. More can be found on the project's instagram.
The Full Process Book
The following is the complete digital pdf documentation of my year long journey working on this project. It details all my stumbles and struggles, little victories and massive triumphs.



My graphic design capstone project that I have completed this past May.
