Ashlynn Capper profili

"ilios" Athletic Shoes: Icarus and Daedalus

Using the myth of Icarus and Daedalus, I then used the myth to create some illustrations as well as a product that was based off of the story or some aspect of the story. 

This multipart project addresses several critical design processes which are central to practically every design project one will encouter professionally, as well as being invaluable to understanding how meaning is created, conveyed, and how it can be can be constructed to communicate complex information and messaging using various design methodologies and media.
Above are the mind map I created after reading the myth of Icarus and Daedalus. It was my way of trying to find ideas and connections to make between the characters and also differentiate them as individuals. I wanted to use the words, lessons and symbols from the myth to create my illustrations as well as the final product.
The image above shows Icarus falling from the heavens. A lot of the different version of the myth that I had read reference Icarus flying upward to reach the heavens. I wanted that to be shown in the image instead of a blue sky and clouds; to show the fall of Icarus in a new way.

The bottom illustration then show Icarus after the fall. Here, we see him in the ocean, which is where Icarus met his untimely fate. The hand reaches out of the water towards the sun, which symbolizes the young boy trying achieve something he could not. 
"ilios" Athletic Shoes: Icarus and Daedalus
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"ilios" Athletic Shoes: Icarus and Daedalus

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