The last evidence of summer clings to the branches of this crab apple tree wearing its best autumn colors. It will help to provide food for our feathered friends in the still of winter as it clings on desperately in the cold winter winds.
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Old rusting metal fencing from a by-gone era sits as a derelict against a storage shed. Its abandon state has allowed the voracious grapevine to take root. it now hangs in colorful bowers, creating a beautiful contrast to the rusting hulks below.
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Often thought of as a common border shrub, the barberry serves as a feast throughout the winter to our feathered friends. The plant is also used by those who practice herbalism. Ornamentally the color enhances any landscape with its vivid red berries and deep burgundy leaves.
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The kiss of a slight frost brings a heightened color to the hydrangea tree whose wonderful color and scent I have enjoyed most of the summer. It forms the south wall of my second floor porch and brings such delight from its first bloom to the picking of the rusty blooms for dried arrangements in the fall.
The three blooms on a huge pot of Geraniums lined beautifully as posing for the macro shot. Graceful and lovely as dressed in their summer finery...much like Botticelli's Graces in Primavera.
The crown of this ancient 20 -foot mushroom shaped hydrangea greets me every summer morning. The blooms are white, tinged with green and alive with bumble bees, The wonderful scent fills the air and my house. Slowly the color begins to turn to the palest of pink, and the blooms become very popular centerpieces for bridal bouquets.
The test of any face is a macro shot and this beautiful lily is not different than its human counterparts. The delicious buttery yellow edged with a fine rippled edge seems to be a fine dressing the fine plume of the sepals and the stamen. A bit like a Victorian lady in her finery.
This picture perfect little Zinnia has been treated with a faux matte to make to flower POP! The dark green of the matte is complementary to the salmon while helping to emphasize the darker elements in the background, which give the photograph a deeper perspective.
The coneflower is the universal symbol of herbal health for so many in its better known form of Echinacea. These healthy flowers manage to ward off everything but the deer and the bunnies. At least we know the wildlife will be healthy this winter.
Greeted by these wild morning glories each moning, they seem to joyfully herald in the the day. Their magnificent color contrasted by the green of the leaves and the vine as it twisted and turned on the old chicken wire fence have been a staple in the landscape for the last ten years.
The pink of the Zinnias compliments the green background. The darker green matte both serves as complimentary border and as emphasis to the dark green in the photograph, giving it better perspective and depth.
These miniature pink bee balm are so beautifully formed, yet lack their namesake and the occasional hummingbird. Perhaps it is the overabundance of flowers in this beautiful garden that has left these flowers temporarily unoccupied.
Digital Photography

Digital Photography

I captured photographs of different garden elements which could be used in corporate and home decorative settings. They have the capability of cr Read More
