Henkilön Agnese Lena profiili

Destination exhibition

Brief. Choose a theme for an exhibition and develop a visual identity to represent it. Use the graphic elements to create printed as well as online presence to advertise the exhibition.

Solution. I chose migration as the topic. The exhibition would revolve around the historical aspects and the social and political issues that it raises nowadays.
I designed a visual identity based on fingerprints, to recall the concept of identity, maps, and photos of asylum seekers, that represent the most relevant aspect of the topic nowadays.
I created a font to use for the logo and titles, based on arrow shapes that are meant to recall the idea of directions.
I designed three different posters, an exhibition ticket, a leaflet, a billboard, two banners, content for an Instagram account and a website. Additionally, I created a 20 seconds commercial, and elements for the wayfinding system within the exhibition.

The exhibition is designed to end with an interactive section where the visitor is invited to take part into a human-size board game that mixes elements from Monopoli and the Goose Game. This is migration-themed, to encourage the players to sympathise with the traumatic experience of refugees.
University project, 2019
Destination exhibition

Destination exhibition

Exhibition design and branding.
