Klawe Rzeczys profil

The Economist | various illustrations

The Economist
Nothing can shake AMLO’s fossil-fuel fixation
The Economist
How pandemics have inspired art, music and literature
The Economist
In many ways, stockmarkets have been extraordinary in 2020
The Economist
Covid-19 might not change cities as much as previous pandemics
The Economist
The weapons of political warfare
1843 Magazine
Can words do the dead justice?
1843 Magazine
Face mask off
1843 Magazine
It’s hard to buy a dress in a pandemic
1843 Magazine
Shoes are my madeleine, evoking times past
1843 Magazine
I tie my laces with the triumph of a child
1843 Magazine
For some tech companies, office decor is everything
The Economist | various illustrations

The Economist | various illustrations
