Henkilön Ryan Higgins profiili

Field Project - Object, Showing Addiction

Field Project - Object

Objects are omnipresent, they permeate and invade our world, where we live, work, rest and play. Objects have particular properties, characters and meanings and we continually relate and respond to them both physically and mentally. Artists, Designers and Craftspeople should be the masters of object display.
The task was to create an object with meaning to it that could be visually seen and understood.
This was all about the progression of making a meaningful object and a fell in to the glass bottle design which i very much enjoy and the development that i took from this was using extreme heat to make the bottle melt at the top allowing for the bottle to droop in a sign to what happens when people drink the alcohol within it.
This was the stage where i started to really show the slow process of the bottle becoming slumped and showing this drunk process in a art form. From here developing this to the final outcome to create a final photo required more thinking of how how this could show addiction more to the alcohol inside the glass bottles. 
This was the final outcome which I used to show
off the plastic bottles to incase the alcohol bottles within them. Then they slowly become more and more melted, showing
the slumped process of someone drinking over a period of time and becoming less able to stand. The plastic bottles also show that people hide their addiction and what people think they see is harmless but on the inside could be very different.
Field Project - Object, Showing Addiction

Field Project - Object, Showing Addiction

This is a 2nd-year project I did, looking at understanding the meaning of an object and creating my own one displaying it within a photo.
