Tyler Pate's profile

The Creative Meltdown

Help fund the Creative Meltdown Kickstarter campaign

I started The Creative pain back in 2017 with the idea to create, share, and inspire. The Creative Pain gave me an outlet to explore creative styles and develop a brand where I could create and design illustrations/products to inspire others to pursue your creative passions.

The Creative Meltdown started as an early concept that demonstrated the brand’s mascot, Pencil Head as a melted candle. The candle depiction came about as a pun to the phrase, "Creative Meltdown". It’s that breaking point where we become creatively stuck and unable to find a solution to the task at hand. 
The candle project started by producing a product that would inspire designers/artists to break through the hurdles of work and enjoy the process of being creative. My targeted audience are those creative types who work from a desk and understand the importance of having a creative atmosphere. 

I'm a huge fan of customizing my desk arrangement with various accents, toys, candles, artwork, so I feel inspired each time I set down at my desk to work. The Creative Pain candle was a way to make something I thought would be useful and inspiring to look at. So I developed a functioning piece of art. The decision for making each candle holder out of cement, was so it could be easily reusable or repurposed. After the candle has melted completely, you can simply place another candle inside and start the experience all over again or use the cement holder as a succulent planter. 

I wanted to give the product a reason to be reused and thought as a piece of inspiration. Allowing the Creative melt down to be used as a candle or planter. Either way, it would be the perfect desk accent to customize your workspace. 

*Reminder, each Creative Meltdown is completely hand made and polished. Imperfections are what make every product limited and completely original. Embrace the process.

The Creative Meltdown


The Creative Meltdown

one-of-a-kind 2.5 oz candles with hand made candle holder/planter made from hand-poured cement, that can also be used as a succulent planter. Eac Read More
