This is the cover of my portfolio. I call myself JennyRain because my surname is hard to pronounce for the english and it means translated: It had rained....(so it‘s clear now:)
It shows my face, how I see myself and a collage of things that await you in the further spreads.
Leitnhax Longboards is my own little business, that i have created. I build longboards, which are long skateboards in the mountains. Leitnhax is the bavarian word for the foot of a goat standing on a hill having the pressure on this one leg. It is the same on a longboard, most of the time your pressure is on one foot.
This spread shows the logo, my business cards (wooden) and stationary, and the workshop where i build the longboards in.
This spread shows the three individual boards I built and designed.
Two downhill boards and one cruiser. The all have individual names, type of logos and complexion. The names are all bavarian and humorous.
The Leitnhax website is easy to handle and the usage of the shop clear. The image of the brand is shown proudly with generous nature photographs.
 The trash monsters were a project for RSA. To make a change was the purpose.
They are illustrated and put into Illustrater. Every monster eats a different type of trash and has a different color and name. Children should learn from an early state how and what to recycle. I learned recycling from my mother and I am still fussy about it. I think every child should relish their education as I did and many parents don‘t value recycling as much. The children need a fun way of learning. 
The monster animals are stuffed with recycable fillings like old newspaper, cherry stones, recycled glass bits,etc.
There are trash bins that make monster sounds when trash is thrown in them, stickers can be stuck on the recycable 
waste and comics show the children how the monsters „eat“ the trash.
The glitch-Magazine is  newspaper formated and speaks about superheros, their origins and „true storys“. It‘s about the time when the comic books came to TV first and when the glitch on an old TV screen was part of watching it. The inspiration was my broken video cable of my macbook.
This packaging is made for an organic seasalt butter. It is easy to handle and your fingers dont get greasy using it several times. The design is in a twirly vintage style to show the high value and elegance in an every-day product.
JennyRain Portfolio

JennyRain Portfolio

My main passions are snowboarding and longboarding since I grew up in the mountains. I run my own little company, I build and sell longboards to Read More
