My original idea for my Honours project was to create a magazine about Graffiti and Street Art but as I began researching and planning for this I came to the realization I wanted to focus more on Branding as it is the industry I would like to work in after graduation. With Graffiti and Street Art still lingering in my mind I decided why not combine the two together, Branding and Graffiti. The next task was figuring out what product to combine with Graffiti, after exploring various option I decided on a new craft beer as it is a currently a huge industry, with the packaging of these cans or bottles always bright and vibrant competing to stand out most, similar to how graffiti artists display their work. I began researching the different types of craft beer and chose 6 in particular that I felt were more popular and more of a market for these were Pilsner, Premium Lager, Blonde Ale, IPA, Brown Ale and Stout, as I chose these particular types I thought of what colours could represent each type and then what graffiti artist also links well with that colour, for example for Premium Lager I chose the colour green and Bonzai as the artist as he tends to use a lot of Green throughout his work. After deciding I would design 6 different types I also needed a quirky name that would suit as well as a logo and of course the actual labels that will go on the bottles. I also wanted to go a step further instead of using mock ups I would design print and stick the labels to real beer bottles and design a 6 pack carrier pack that would also be made using card, I done this as I wanted a more professional look to my designs allowing me to take my new beer bottles anywhere I wanted for product photography. 
Honours Project

Honours Project

Craft beer inspired by Graffiti artists.
