Under the guidance of a coroner, students are taught how to perform an autopsy. All of the 'corpses' are in fact actors who've been made to look like dead bodies.What at first glance would appear to be a head wound in this picture is actually the result of this 'corpse' having laid in a pool of blood.
Prior to the autopsy on this 'corpse' the duct tape is removed from the wrists. It's up to the students and the coroner to discover its residue which would indicate the victim has been restrained. (note the presence of livor mortis in this body).
The discoloration in this 'corpse' is the result of 'livor mortis' (the gravitational pooling ofblood in the body which occurs after death). The degree of postmortem lividity (or the lack of it) allows coroners to accurately calculate the time of death.
Man with a knife in his back
Under the guidance of a coroner, students are taught how to perform an autopsy. All of the 'corpses' are in fact actors who've been made to look like dead bodies. Students in this picture are taught how to photographically document a victim under the guidance of a coroner
Students performing an autopsy under the guidance of a coroner
Students are taught how to photographically document a victim under the guidance of a coroner
Dummies ready to be used as victims at simulated crime scenes. Everything at The Politieacademie is very well organized. Even the storage spaces here inspire the imagination..
Using forensic stepping plates a forensic investigator has made his way to the victim. In this simulated crime scene every detail of the victim is captured in 3D with a handheld 3D scanner. The Politieacademie in Apeldoorn has an indoor facility consisting of several rooms which simulates a real home.
Recording the actions of the perpetrator using a motion capture suit which renders movement in 3D. These animations are used to reconstruct crimes without the need for the physical presence of the perpetrator.
Forensic investigator at a crime scene wearing protective clothing. A bedroom next to the living room inside the 'scenario-simulation-facility' nicknamed 'Silent Witness' at The Politieacademie in Apeldoorn.
Forensic investigator in training stepping out of a crime scene at the 'Silent WItness' facility which is located inside a large hall at The Politieacademie in Apeldoorn. This is the front door to the complex consisting of several rooms in which crime scenes are realistically simulated.
Students at The Politieacademie (Police Academy) in Apeldoorn are trained in the science of dactyloscopy, or fingerprint identification. Here students are taught how to search for fingerprints and how to enhance and secure them.
Selecting the right tool. Matching a specific type of tool to a set of marks found at a crime scene is an intricate puzzle which students here must learn to solve. Crowbars and screwdrivers and such all leave unique toolmarks which, like fingerprints, can help lead to the identification of the perpetrator.
Reading the signs. Trying to reconstruct an event using the clues left at the scene. Various marks, fingerprints and blood trails and different items have been deliberately left here by instructors for students to find. It's their job to piece together the series of events which must have unfolded there.
Students securing shoeprints by making plaster casts near a crime scene. The Politieacademie has several outdoor facilities where small scenarios can be acted out.
Students securing shoeprints by making plaster casts near a crime scene. The Politieacademie has several outdoor facilities where small scenarios can be acted out.
Tablet used by TNO for 3D scanning of a room or object. The tablet's camera maps the room or object and presents it as a 3D image on the screen aiding in the objectification of facts and circumstances.
Spectral Camera by FTS/AMC; this camera detects residual biological material (blood, seamen, etc.) invisible to the naked eye. It can also test these materials for age.
Thermal Imaging Camera: this camera shows heat signatures or heat concentrations. A cup of coffee for instance will leave a heat signature on a table after it is removed. Bodies also leave heat signatures.
Police Academy Ossendrecht —N-Brabant —Forensic researchers investigating a simulated crime scene where a person has been killed with a firearm.
Police Academy No.8 Police Academy Ossendrecht—N-Brabant—Members of the Police Academy training for a crime scene investigation after a car bomb attack.
Police Academy Ossendrecht—N-Brabant—Members of the Police Academy practice recovering victims from a disaster area for identification.


With my new project FORENSICS I have set myself the task of mapping the broad spectrum of science and technology that is used for finding out the 閱讀更多

