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The book of gams | 2020

这个视频创作于2020年的一月,主要用过三个章节的形式去描述Kevious Cole的新书《The book of  gams》的主要内容。
This is a video created in January 2020, which is about the description of several important chapters in Kevious Cole book <The book of gams>.

I know Kevious Cole's process may be more interesting.

19年的12月,我和朋友正在马路边等待红绿灯,这时两个黑人从街对面走来,一边过马路一边又唱又跳,我用手机记录下了过程,他们过来后希望的到刚才拍摄的视频,加了微信。其中一个黑人就是Kevious Cole,他来自纽约,正在上海学习中文和兼职模特的工作,他问我会不会拍摄视频。我朋友告诉他我的职业是视频摄影师,Kevious说他刚写完一本新书,他希望可以拍摄一个关于他的新书的视频,就此我们开始了这次的合作,短片在上海拍摄完成。
In December 19, when my friends and I were waiting for the traffic lights by the road, we saw two black men crossing the road while dancing, and I recorded the process with my mobile phone. One of the black people is Kevious, he added me on WeChat when he came over and needed to get the video I just shot. Then he asked me if I would make a video, because he just finished writing a book and hoped to have a video about his book. My friend told him that my profession is a video photographer, and then we started the cooperation of this video.
The book of gams | 2020


The book of gams | 2020

Character documentary about a book
