"Fear of stigmatization"
Pencils and acrylic on paper. 
"What if they don't like it?"
Causing you to fade into oblivion to yourself.
Stirring up the pain and regrets harbored from the fallen sands and those falling
Tears stream down your cheeks slowly because they erupted from the rupture of your heart.
You wish you could be you but you fear they won't like it.
You know too well that someone's opinions about you don't have to become your reality but you just can't stand in the way of those fingers and eyes aimed at you.
You put on the cover to fit in.
The cover is choking joy out of you
It itches so bad but it appears there’s no way back but to succumb to the fear.
If you knew how quickly people forget the dead, you would stop living to impress people.
Fear of Stigmatization

Fear of Stigmatization


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