Explorative diagramming of the Rhine river in which a hybrid topography was created by merging the first parallel projection of the Rhine (the 'Rheinpanorama' created by F. Delkeskamp in 1811) with audio data extracted from the opening scene of Richard Wagners' "Rheingold" opera. Audio data was extracted at a 1000ms interval via a custom program which later transformed the extracted data into sectional geometry in AutoLISP.
Final image showing the mapping of the rhine river onto a new hybrid topgraphy formed by the melding of audio data and the Rheinpanorama parallel perspective.
RHEINGOLD AUDIO ANALYSIS I : Showing audio data extracted from the opening scene of the Rheingold opera at 1 second intervals.
RHEINPANORAMA : Elisabeth von Adlerflycht / F. Delkeskamp, 1811. One of the first attempts at representing the topography of the Rhine river in parallel projection as experienced travelling from Mainz to Cologne.
MAPPING SKETCHES : Various attempts at merging the different kinds of topographical data.
FINAL PRESENTATION BOARD EXCERPT : Top image shows hybrid topography from front view looking up the Rhine from Mainz to Cologne.
Rhine River Analysis

Rhine River Analysis

Explorative diagramming of the Rhine river in which a hybrid topography was created by merging the first parallel projection of the Rhine (the 'R Leggi di più
