The way I think of design 
There is Nature ( Top Left section of painting ) , then there is Science ( Top right section ) , Engineering ( Bottom right ) and Art (bottom left ) and in the middle of all of this is "An eye for Design" ( represented in the middle of golden ratio ).
                    Thus, design amalgamates 360 degree knowledge from all of these fields on the X-Y axis graph. The light ( source from nature ) falls on the prism and travels and reflects from each field to finally reach the eye of a Designer. This can be thought of as a clock (as described by Neri Oxman ) - 
The needles traveling from nature provides information and the quest to know the world , which leads to science. Needle traveling from science provides knowledge to engineering, engineering providing utility  which when combined with imagination (Art) leads to design.
And what a beautiful sight it is when in the present time we can design a piece that can use information from of all of them and can appear as an end product in any of these fiels. The boundaries are blending in.
- Venus Malik.





Creative Fields