With the Covid-19 Pandemic happening around the world,
Ramadan in this year will be different for us Malaysian with the lock down and movement control
order, everyone has to practice social distancing for now but we will #RiseTogether even with all
the distance between us :)  

Got a chance to work on storyboard, styleframe / illustration and animation along
with Imagineers film during the Covid19 pandameic lockdown period for Taylor's.

Creative Agency - Imagineers Film
Produced by - Reuben Kang
Written by - Jamal Raslan
Illustration & Animation by - Saimen Lee
Voice Over by - Megat Zahrin
Music by Daniel Veerapen



Raya Tahun Ini

다음을 위한 프로젝트

Raya Tahun Ini

Got a chance to work on storyboard, styleframe / illustration and animation along with Imagineers film during the Covid19 pandameic lockdown peri 자세히 보기
