Bradesco Bank New Website

I worked on the Bradesco new website when I was UX designer at RED - Experience Design, in partnership with AG2 Publicis Modem.
I worked with a big design team (more than 5 designers at once) due to the project’s size. There was more than six unique user profiles, each profile with specific products, features and language
(visual and text), in order to reach specific market niches.
Besides being responsible as UX designer and information architect for designing the structure of pages and it’s content modules, I was also responsible for managing the copywriters: 5 writers with finance background that generated the static textual contents, like the description of products and services, the texts for the wizards and for the simulators.
The main documentation I developed were wireframes, text templates for the copywriters to fill the content modules and the content inventory spreadsheet to keep track of the pages and it’s contents.

Since it was a website for one of the biggest banks in Brazil, it has lots of contents and specific business rules for each of the customer profiles. Also, managing the copywriters was challenging due to the multisite alocation combined with the big volume of content to be developed. The negotiations and meetings with the client was something to be dealt with due to the bureaucracy and hard to reach agenda of the bank managers and directors involved in the project.

The new website granted to Bradesco a few prizes in the years of 2011 and 2012 in the innovation, service and financial education categories. The media and the customers received very well the
upgrades and the new features present in the new website. 
Two samples of wireframes developed for the project,
followed by it's respective layouts:
Bradesco Bank New Website

Bradesco Bank New Website

New website for the Bradesco Bank, supporting it's various customer profiles, focused in financial education via product and service wizards and 자세히 보기
