Luiza Corados profil

Arybé / Branding

arybé was my bachelor's degree final project made for Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo (FEBASP). 

problem: from the start, the pitch involved freedom to choose any topic, as long as we had a complete brand by the end of the year. i chose aromatherapy and cosmetology, and how to combine them without that same ol' esoteric, tarot lady, organic stereotype. 

it was one of my most difficult projects to design to date - as an individual assignment, at the end of a beloved course, at a beloved institution closing a main chapter of my life. but even as challenging and tough, it was an incredibly empowering and rewarding journey. 

it was obviously not a lonely one, though.

i had help from especially bright souls and talented creatives, who, from little to big things, made sure i not only delivered the project on time but also not collapsed under its pressure. 

here's the final result:

thanks for watching!

centro universitário belas artes de são paulo
year: 2018
pictures: unsplash, istock

bernardo arruda, for the patience. bryan grünauer, for being brilliant. caroline rezende, for existing. emiliana and marcio, for everything. felipe pereira, for all the hours and all the caring. friedrich santana, for being inspiration. julia moura, for comprehending. luana neves, for all the typing. rodrigo maia, for the guidance.​​​​​​​

Arybé / Branding


Arybé / Branding

Arybé was my bachelor's degree final project made for Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo (FEBASP). The pitch from the start involved f Läs mer
