​​​​​​​Ironic Imagery: an exploration of color through collage inspired by Art Chantry
Spring 2020

This series of collages was inspired by artist and designer Art Chantry, pioneer of collage and typography in the punk-grunge era. Chantry designed as a way of communicating culture, intaking and responding with images and text. He began his career in Seattle designing posters and promotional material for art galleries, regional theater companies, and rock bands. Chantry’s style gained him notoriety, designing mostly analogue with rough textures, nostalgic imagery, innovative type, and ironic messaging. The tactile experience of creating each composition is integral to his way of designing. Today, Art Chantry lives in Tacoma, WA and continues to design compelling pieces, connecting with his audience via the internet and social media, making design accessible to all people, not only the elite.

Through this series, I experimented with analogue collage making, tongue in cheek messaging, and repurposed type. All of my designs were created by hand, then photographed and rendered digitally. I layered each of my collages with different colors and images to communicate an individual color concept, alongside expressing a humorous typographic message. I infused each of my designs with my own artistic style: clean colors, simplistic straight lines, modern imagery, and messaging that relates to my current worldview.

Lasky, Julie. “2017 AIGA Medalist Art Chantry.” AIGA, AIGA, 4 Sept. 2017, www.aiga.org/2017-aiga-medalist-art-chantry.

Ironic Imagery


Ironic Imagery
