Lim Hong 님의 프로필

Misconception of depression


 According to WHO (World Health Organization), depression is a common illness in  
 the world which is more than 264 million of people suffering it. Depression is a  
serious medical illness, it caused how you feel, the way you thinking and your act.  
Depression can causes feeling of down, sadness and loss interested on your hobby  
Or daily activities. At the worst, depression can lead to suicide.


Every year around  800000 people die due to suicide. Suicide is the second serious cases of death  between 15-29 years old. Number of women suffers depression is more than men


This campaign objective is to increase awareness and educate teenagers the misconception regarding depression which happen everyday. The print ads is used the knowledge strategy which are misconception and fact to educate the audience. These series of print ads about misconception regarding depression can be communicate on social media with the audience.
Misconception of depression

Misconception of depression


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