Profilo di Yordan Genovski

Jup - UX Design for ecommerce website

UX Design for e-commerce website
Project goal

Jup is a rare website with an interesting concept in mind. Basically, it's a reverse auction e-commerce website. The target audience is the so-called deal hunters, people looking for great value and cheap prices. The logic behind the scene is really complicated and was challenging to say the least.

First things first, I started working on the project by doing some extensive research. I had to know what we're dealing with, what we have to achieve and how to do it. 

Doing competitive analysis helped me to understand the market, to gather some ideas and adapt them to our use case scenario. 

The information architecture was quite a challenge, it took me a while to comprehend everything but I managed to understand it and put it to work. Basically, we have: 
- User Profiles 
- Reverse Auction 
- Shopping Cart 
- Online Payments 
- Loyalty Program 
- Additional Discounts 
- 5000+ items 
- 10+ product categories 
- 30+ subcategories 
- Order now, Deliver later 
- Custom CMS 
- Items import 
- 3rd party integrations 
- Info pages 

The project was interesting and demanding, I'm happy that I had the opportunity to work on something of such scale.
UX Design
User Persona
Wireframe - Home Page​​​​​​​
Wireframe - Navigation Menu
Wireframe - Search Bar
Wireframe - Product Category & Filter
Wireframe - Product Page
Wireframe - Shopping Cart
Wireframe - Sign Up Page
Wireframe - User Profile
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Jup - UX Design for ecommerce website

Jup - UX Design for ecommerce website

Jup is a rare website with an interesting concept in mind. Basically, it's a reverse auction e-commerce website.


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