Eilidh McArthur profili

Paper Pasta Packaging Design

Paper Pasta Packaging Design
I love creating physical items and really enjoy working with 3D outputs, so I decided to design packaging for my Honours Year project. In my dissertation, I investigated the paper industry, and discovered the paper industry in Europe is sustainable and helping us grow our forests. I looked into how bad plastic is for the environment, and came to the conclusion that we need to encourage designers and producers to choose paper for packaging. 

After more research into Paper and Plastic and a survey, Pasta came out as a commonly bought product, yet it is rarely in boxes and usually includes plastic windows if it is. I wanted to create a box for pasta, that is 100% recyclable, while also standing out from the crowd and being a bold, eye-catching design. 

I managed to create a full rage of packaging for Pasta, with seven different Pasta boxes, and also two Pasta Sauce Jar designs.
The colours for each pasta type, is based on the original region where each pasta type originated from. This was a nice way to add a little extra thought to the origin, and to strengthen the connection to Italy, where the products are sourced from, and adds a nice way to differentiate between the different pastas.
I also designed the boxes so they could be sealed in a different way, making them a bit more air tight, and helping to keep the pasta fresher, while also slightly reducing space used. 
The Pasta Sauce Jars, followed the same design, as the boxes, but the layout had to fit different information, and in a much smaller space. However I feel these turned out really good, and are a great example of how this design is transferable to other products as well.
Overall I am really happy with this project, and I love how it turned out. I learned so much about the different packaging types, recycle-ability, and the paper industry. I think this design is bold, and eye-catching, but also conveys the high quality product in a new and fun way. All the designs work really nicely together as well. I enjoyed this project, and I love how it turned out.
Paper Pasta Packaging Design
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Paper Pasta Packaging Design

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