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Prototpye visualisation & process

Dawdler Dealer

How does it work? 
Mobile app that will allow user to disable notifications for a set amount of time as well as control the time spent on social networking. As an incentive for increased productivity, the longer the user avoids checking their phone, the more time they get to spend social networking after their study.

Why would people use it?
One of the main issues for low productivity amongst teenagers is procrastination. Social media apps (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok) are the main platforms for this demographic to use as it allows them to connect with others for an endless amount of time. In order for them to balance their social life and studies, they would need to restrict their mobile phone usage which is why me have created this application. Through limiting notifications and giving them a chance to increase their social media usage after studying, this will substantially reduce the amount of time procrastinating and further increase productivity. 

How does our concepts connect to the brief and research?
Our research states that more than 50% of teenagers agreed that social media is one of the main causes of procrastination. The mobile app that we have created is strongly linked to our research as it creates a barrier between the user and their phone during their studying. By restricting the ability to use social media which is the main cause of procrastination, this will ultimately result in teenagers being less disctracted and more focused on priorities.

How does it Un-black box (bring awareness) the focus issue identified? What will our intervention achieve?
In the format strategy employed the best communicate and reach your audience and aims?
This mobile application un-black boxes the issue of productivity management through the strong restrictions that are being implemented that are specifically targeted towards social media apps. This will inform teenagers that the self control over their mobile phones is critical as social networking is one of the primary reasons for distractions during studying.
Prototpye visualisation & process
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Prototpye visualisation & process

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