isolation before isolation
--.--- .--- ....... -- .-- .... ------ .--- .----- ..... -- --- -. . -.- .-.--- .--..... --. -.------ .. .. -.-
where our loneliness arises, that's where the truth is where our loneliness arises, that's where the truth is where our loneliness arises, that's where the truth is where our loneliness arises, that's where the truth is where our loneliness arises, that's where the truth is where our loneliness arises, that's where the truth is where our loneliness arises, that's where the truth is where our loneliness arises, that's where the truth is where our loneliness arises, that's where the truth is where our loneliness arises, that's where the truth is where our loneliness arises, that's where the truth is where our loneliness arises, 


I isolated myself to create a short diary about isolation
