Most Viewed Products Magento 2 Extension
Most viewed Product allows you to display a specified number of products in a grid layout. Those products are presents on the most viewed block on the homepage. It also displays in a slider with navigation arrows. 
This extension quickly attracts visitors' attention. It is the user-friendly extension that showcases products in an eye-catching way. The store owner can also set the product limit on the homepage and sidebar.

Key Features:

• Easy To Install And Manage
• Fully Responsive
• User Friendly
• Rich Configuration Options
• Show Best Products
• Drive Customer Attention
• Increase Store Credit
• Allows To Set Limit
• Most Viewed Slider

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Most Viewed Products Magento 2 Extension

Most Viewed Products Magento 2 Extension

Most Viewed Products Magento 2 extension displays real-time most viewed products to your store. It will effectively increase sales and engagement Развернуть

