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No. 13 色水島 The colour of Taiwan



The Place Exhibition No. 13 - The colour of Taiwan​​​​​​​

“Sik-tsui” means colour in Taiwanese. Colour is everywhere in our life. Different colours represent different culture and tradition on this island. The multiple culture around us creates an unique colourful scene. This exhibition focus on the connection between local and colours with the artists’ characters and interpretation. We invite the travellers to enter this “colourful” exhibition to experience the street culture, human networks, earth and scenery and to get inspired by the artworks, feelings, wordings and aesthetic.

【 臺南新藝獎展外展_色彩煉金術 】
Next Art Tainan_Colour Alchemy

Curator: Chang Hwei-Lan 



Take a trip to learn how the colour is produced, from raw material to pigments and then be used in an artwork. Through this process, to physically understand the art is actually link to the nature from the beginning and inspired by the artists’ colourful presentation.

Taking soil colour as an example, it is the mother of the earth and nurtures all kind of lives indirectly or directly. The artwork presents its natural beauty and its diversity via the rustic appearance of "Earth”.  With its rich colours and textures, visitors can re-experience the earth of Taiwan.

【 向海望山 】
Mountains and Sea

Artist : Godkidlla




Image that you can walk into the sea, take a close look at the sea, but feel it like mountains from a distance.

Taiwan, as an island, most of us are descendants of immigrants. Over the years, the changes on the politics and the freedom of speech were not controlled by the public. The history has made Taiwan’s colonial culture more complicated and feel the mountains and sea like the strangers. 

Our ancestors crossed over the sea to Taiwan; the new immigrants and us in now days crossed over the same sea to the lands. The destination might not be the same, but both of us are with the same worries, expectations or pressure.

I would like to record this move by depicting the mountains and the sea.





《Taiwan Black》

Many people asked me about the impression of Taiwan. I often joked, "Just choose two or three fluorescent colours in the black background, and it would represent local Taiwan".

I am obsessed with this black, it looks like a black ditch, where Taiwan is drifting, but also a dark factor, surrounded with neon.

The complicated history and multiculturalism is tangled on this island with hatred, concerns, discrimination, sorrow, hostility, anxiety, and inferiority.  There is light and there is darkness. It is the shadow behind Taiwan's colourful sign boards

【 台灣夢之台南市】
Taiwan Dream in Tainan

Artist : Lee Wen-Cheng


The stage theme is “Taiwan Dream” which is presented with Taiwan’s specific street signboards, including big and small sizes, colourful peacock lights. This street culture and illegal building shows Taiwanese hard working spirit for making their dreams come true. We selected some important topics and ideas for the exhibition. The funny and interesting observation and experiments are placed in the signboard light boxes to image the Taiwan dream, such as mild fish experts, rainbow Taiwan, democracy, and food.

The main colours of peacock lights are red, yellow, blue and green, combing with the high chroma green tube lamp. The robust impact and the strong contrast highlights the night scene in Taiwan and the massive green becomes the icon of betel nut kiosks.

【 手作日常-看見台灣】
Taiwan in the eyes of...

策展單位 Curator : Design Port International



Hand-Made is the source of creation, however, this warm and hearty feelings have gradually been forgotten as the time goes by. By sharing how an artwork is formed from scratch by the artists in this exhibition. The handicrafts are not only to show the artists passion for life, also their imagination and understanding of Taiwan.

In the artist's’ eyes, Taiwan is presented with colourful and tasty snacks, rustic red and traditional brick house, pale green from mottled paint, blue waters of the Pacific Ocean and the beautiful rainbow colour across Taiwan island. Regardless of the nationalities, this is Taiwan to them.

Through these artworks, we are reminded that our homeland Taiwan is so rich and beautiful.

Lead by these artists, we see the value and reliability of Taiwan.
May this island be seen forever.

主辦單位 Organizer|台南老爺行旅 The Place Tainan
協辦單位 Sponsor​​​​​​​|虹牌油漆 Rainbow Paint

6F 展區─《臺南新藝獎展外展_色彩煉金術》Colour Alchemy
策展人 Curator|張惠蘭 Chang Hwei-Lan
參展藝術家Artists|王紫芸 Wang Tzu-Yun、李貞慧 Lee Chen-Huei、洪皓倫 Hung Hao-Lun、鹿向夷 Lu Xiang-Yi、張紫瀅 Chang Zi-Ying、詹志鴻 Jhan Jhih-Hong、簡智忠 Chien Chih-Chung

7F 展區─《向海望山》Mountains and Sea
藝術家 Artist|廖小子 Godkidlla
策展人 Curator|楊佳寶 Scott Yang
展覽執行 Exhibition execution|楊雅翔 Ya-Siang Yang
策展單位 Curation|谷汩文化 Group.G
動態設計師 Animator|鄭利豐Li-Feng Zheng、賴祖寧Tsu-Ning Lai
導演 Director|林思翰 Hans Lin
製作公司 Animation Studi|G.Production

8F 展區─《台灣夢之台南市》Taiwan Dream in Tainan
藝術家 Artist|李文政 Lee Wen-Cheng
空間協力 Interior cooperation|蘇陳思雅 Su Chen Ssu ya、林宏泰 hog tai lin
招牌設計協力 Signboard design cooperation|張雅柔 Chang Yajou
印章製做協力 Stamp cooperation|新力牌印章 Shiny Stamp

9F 展區─《手作日常-看見台灣》Taiwan in the eyes of...
策展單位 Curator|Design Port International
參展藝術家 Artists|needo socks、TSCaptious、TOLU A La MODE、ioii Studio、BEIS Leather Workshop

No. 13 色水島 The colour of Taiwan

No. 13 色水島 The colour of Taiwan

Colour is everywhere in our life. Different colours represent different culture and tradition on this island. The multiple culture around us cre Lue lisää
