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Lim Bhei Xuan (Publishing)

Crafty was a lifestyle magazine that introduce yarn crafting for home decoration. Crafty bring everything that know about crochet and knitting. Besides, also bring out and shared some crafting trends to encouraging you to live creatively. We celebrate creative industries and give up-and-coming designers their first platform. 
Social Media post on Facebook and Instagram
Magazine Layout Grid System
Font "Luna" used as header and kicker on magazine cover
Font "Over the rainbow" using inside the magazine content as title or sub-header 
Font "Roboto" mostly used for explanatory and text.
Lim Bhei Xuan |

All Rights Reserved © 2020
Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI) UTAR
Lim Bhei Xuan (Publishing)

Lim Bhei Xuan (Publishing)
