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selected personal works
I like to change the original context into which the subject is written by its creator. I like to create live stories, portraits of emotions using material that has no voice.
I like to change people's attitudes towards everyday objects. To give the opportunity to pay attention to household things, which we often neglect in the conditions of their abundance. To take a wider look at the surrounding reality.
I like to create emotions, give objects a conceptual voice. Every time I forget about their function, observing their properties, as if I do not know their original purpose. I immerse myself in the game of the properties of light, color and form. I become a director on this scene. 
I define boundaries, give roles, give impetus and direction, but immediately release control and give in to those random decisions until history begins to speak. And this is exactly what I am looking for – a dialogue that unfolds between the work and the spectator, an image that can be louder than words.
Every time I invent a new composition, I feel like reinventing myself.
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Visual selfresearch
