Profilo di Al Hassan Elwan

TEDxGUC Stage Design/Installations

TEDxGUC's theme was summed up in that word, "Synergizers". For the media team, brainstorming has gone into more detail to decide what should be conveyed by that word in terms of visuals, so it was simply explained as "The interaction of irrelevant objects' put together is greater than the sum of the individual objects."
Using conventional objects like a hammer, a lamp, a guitar and wires, those objects were to be tied to together to form an installation that will signify this synergy interaction. Unfortunately, what was implemented was a huge compromise due to budget and time.
-Realized project
[During Event]
-Original plan
As I mentioned, the realized project was an improvised compromise due to budget and time. The original planned idea held a lot more meaning and significance of the word "synergy" and was a lot more grand. It was planned to have three or four separate small installations that lead people from the entrance gate to the event hall, also having the same wires/objects building elements and aesthetic. The small installations form one main installation in the end that's the word "SYNERGIZERS" written with the installation objects. And in that lies the symbolic meaning of synergy as the connection and interaction (wires) between different irrelevant elements (objects/tools) create a final result (main installation) that is greater than the sum of the individuals.
Concept sketches:
Thanks to Omar Kassab for this awesome sketch.
iPad doodles.
TEDxGUC Stage Design/Installations

Progetto creato per

TEDxGUC Stage Design/Installations

TEDxGUC stage design installation.
