For this project I was supposed to create a series of seven graphic compositions to communicate the seven deadly sins. Each composition had a different requirement, and used digital and/or analogue techniques to create them. The final tabloid was printed by Newspaper Club at 289 x 380 mm on 55 gsm paper.

Sin requirements:
Lust: found print collage
Gluttony: type only
Greed: full color personal photograph incorporating model
Sloth: personal photograph routine or selective color
Wrath: photographed object(s) full color or black and white
Envy: found photo with handwritten type
Pride: full spread constructed image, all elements and type included in image

To see my process and inspiration visit my dropmark.
The front cover features a dagger with a floral design piercing through the eyes of a skull. The skull is to represent someone who has died. The floral dagger was meant to represent the Garden of Eden and the temptation that happened within it. It is stabbing through the skull to show that those who succumb to sin will be damned to hell. It is purposefully stabbed through the eyes because eyes are said to be the windows to the soul. The photograph was made into a red and black duotone to represent hell.

For my lust composition I made a collage of a woman being felt by lots of hands out magazine clippings. This is to represent the excessive desire to be touched. I also wanted to show that lust is purely physical and not about the person, therefore none of the hands are touching the woman's face, only her body.

I chose to depict greed as an addiction to money and material things. An addiction to wealth can kill who a person is on the inside, as they become obsessed with it and care about nothing else. Therefore I decided to photograph a dollar bill made to look like a lit cigarette. This is meant to serve as a metaphor for greed since cigarettes are addictive and can kill people.

Pride is a full spread constructed image. A prideful person is someone who is obsessed with themselves and sees themselves as a star. To accomplish this I dressed up and wore star themed jewelry. I then had my photo taken in front of other photos of myself to represent someone being obsessed with themselves. I had my hands with the word "pride" on them touching my face to exaggerate it as the focal point. I also added a vignette to the photo to exaggerate myself as the focal point even more.

Please feel free to click through this to see my full tabloid.
7 Deadly Sins

7 Deadly Sins


Kreative områder