An Ho's profile

Polyhack 2020

Polyhack is Tufts University’s student-run hackathon. It aims to empower, encourage and engage students to solve problems at any scale using the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired through the university and beyond. All members of the Tufts community are invited to participate, whether individually or in groups. We want to bring together students from many disciplines under the umbrella of tech in a collaborative environment. Our goal for Polyhack is to provide an opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to creative projects. Every participant is expected to be the best they can be, and to help others be their best.

Because of the pandemic, our 2020 school year ended abruptly. Although it is an unwanted incident, it helps us reflect more on our relationships and treasure our experience with our friend, professors, and mentors even more. Inspired by this, for this year hackathon, I hope to deliver the impression that Polyhack is not only a place for students to develop their coding skills or expand their network but also a place for them to have fun, enriching experience with peers and mentors. 
In order to achieve this, I combined simple illustrations of students with images of Tufts buildings to create the sense of belonging and community. 
The logo is free-handed entirely in order to embody Polyhack's 2020 theme: playful, lighthearted, and enjoying. 
Polyhack is not only about finding our who can develop the best app but about integrating different study areas from art, science, to engineering. Each illustration sets portray different student activities such as coding, researching, reading, or even sleeping. 
Design and Illustration An Ho​​​​​​​
Special thanks to Denzel Oduro
Polyhack 2020


Polyhack 2020

Branding project for Tufts Univerity Polyhack 2020
