The Garden
The Garden

     I'm blessed and lucky enough to have a ton of different interests that I'm passionate about. During various periods of my life when I've had significant downtime I've found ways to constantly learn, grow, and stimulate my mind and body.

     During the shutdown of Covid I see a lot of people that are struggling with how to fill their time. I can sympathize but at the same time I feel that it's a struggle that is necessary. Due to this confrontation of time people will hopefully become more self aware about their desires and how they use their time.

     However, I really believe if you’re bored it’s because you’re boring. If you stop and take a second to be aware of your surroundings you’ll notice how insane this planet is and how much beauty and life there is around you. Instead of struggling with what to do, maybe do nothing.

     From a filming aspect I wanted to experiment with the 120 frames per second on my Lumix fz2500. Although there is some grain in certain shots I was impressed at what I could do with handheld shots where I needed to manually focus. Over the previous weeks I had a lot of difficulty using higher frame rates in darker settings indoors. (Additional lighting is definitely needed.) However, outside during sunset the camera performed beautifully.  
The Garden


The Garden

A short video highlighting the flowers in my garden. This was shot with a Lumix fz2500 at 120 fps.
