South Bend Current
Online Newspaper Design
Designer: Sage Walcott
Project Summary: 
The South Bend Current is a local news source in South Bend, IN. They have an active distribution of 20,000 households for their print edition. They cover local news, sports, and politics in their area and are hyper-focused on producing top quality news content that is relevant to their readers.This is a new publication that just established itself in the market. Several other local news outlets have recently closed, and left the Current as the only local news operation left.

New Logo
Content, Photos, and Design of new website
Subscription Service Management (for homeowners to manage their subscription)
Ad Purchase System (For current and potential Advertisers)
Forum system for community discussions
Job Board and Classifieds
Additional Feature: Today in Pictures

Target Audience
~Owner of Electronic Device
~Living in 100 mile radius of South Bend

Data Analysis Summary
~Overwhelming number of respondents read local online newspapers (43%)
~56% of respondents read news online at least several times each week
~23% of respondent rarely or never read their news online
~77% of respondents have some level of higher education
~30% of respondents indicated that price is the most important factor when considering       which online news to read, while 29% said the inclusion of local news was the most               important factor.

South Bend Current

South Bend Current


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