Perfil de Renkun Huang

Business Management Tools

Meeting Management Tools
A tool to mange agendas and meetings. It enable users to effectively add agendas to regular meetings, log meeting decisions, manage documents and track status. Designed in 2019.
Meeting detail page: presents meeting detail data and agendas added. Agenda requestors fill in information and upload files by a deadline. Meeting hosts review agendas, maintain meeting details and inform attendees. When all files are ready, the tool can generate a consolidated file to be used in the meeting.
Agenda quick view modal side sheet: presents agenda details without diving into agenda detail page
New agenda form
Agenda details form
All agendas: presents all agendas in a table, so users can find and edit agendas without having to find the meetings 
Go to Market
A tool to manage all touch points and tasks for brining a products to launch from pre-concept. It makes dynamic collaborations between multiple teams efficient and seamless. Designed in 2019.
Project detail page: presents project detail data, team roles and touch points progress in a gantt chart
Touch point details: presents touch point detail data, sub tasks and quality feedback
Customer Engagement Tracker
A tool to track and manage the engagements with accounts. Designed in 2018.
All accounts table: give users an overview of the customer engagement performance with all accounts
Account detail page: presents key performance stats, account details and engagement activities
Action Tracker
A tool to help track and edit all actions and request. Designed in 2018.
Dashboard: shows various requests by urgency and offers quick CTA buttons
Dashboard data visualisation concepts
Marketing Intelligence
Shows marketing data and news at one place. Designed in 2018.
Competitor detail page: presents a competitors all-round information
Bar & Line chart
Mobile version
Executive Dashboard
A tool that collects and aggregates all data to reflect the company performance for executives to view and track in one place. Designed in 2018.
KPI categories
Business Management Tools
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Business Management Tools

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