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一鳴驚人 Sounds Of Taiwan Cicada

〈一鳴驚人〉挑選 9 隻台灣特有種蟬,以傳統的竹蟬 童玩為創意發想,轉化為電子玩具設計,採用台灣特有蟬的鳴叫聲錄音檔類比分析,參考特有種蟬本身的顏色和形狀,分類蟬聲高低的形象運用,三角形代表高音,圓形代表中音,正方形代表低音,取齊聚識別度的色彩提供開發色彩計畫。創作宗旨即是希望將台灣特有種蟬的鳴叫聲,經過聲音可視化圖像的開發,發展出每一隻電子蟬玩具新的視覺樣貌,同時藉由包裝與書籍設計的延伸,期望提升大眾及小朋友對於臺灣特有種蟬的認知,貼近大自然的奧妙,達到寓教於樂的目的。

Our project is based on 9 unique species of cicada in Taiwan, we then thought about the traditional Taiwanese toy - The Bamboo Cicada, so we turned this traditional toy into a modern electronic version. For the visual design, we analyzed the sound of real cicada chirps, and categorize them into three major frequencies. The high frequency represents triangle, which is red-orange color; the medium frequency represents circle, which is yellow-green color; the low frequency rep- resents square, which is blue-purple color. With the help of sound visualization image technique, we aim to design a new electronic cicada toy that has an unique outlook by adapting to the sound that the cicada it represents can make.  
視覺設計上以蟬的鳴叫聲錄音檔類比分析,高音代表三角形,紅橘色;中音代表圓形,黃綠色;低音代表正方形,藍紫色,創作宗旨即是希望將特有種蟬的鳴叫聲,經過聲音可視化圖像的開發,發展出每一隻電子蟬玩具新的視覺樣貌 。

Electronic Cicada Visual Design:
The appearance of the electronic cicada is based on the sound it can make, we analyzed the sound of real cicada chirps, and categorize them into three major frequencies. The high frequency represents triangle, which is red-orange color; the medium frequency represents circle, which is yellow-green color; the low frequency represents square, which is blue-purple color. With the help of sound visualization image technique, we aim to design a new electronic cicada toy that has an unique outlook by adapting to the sound that the cicada it represents can make.

Packaging Design:
Our packaging looks like a gift box, the box adds in a magnetic snap to the cover so that it is easy to open and close, and the toy cicadas are placed within. On the inside of the cover, there are realistic illustrations to introduce each cicada so you get to actually know the features of each cicada and how the real cicadas look like accordingly. The box is opened from left to right, and by winding up the toy, the string inside will actually make the sound of cicada chirps. The visual design of the box is an extension of each cicadas in their representative images. 

Book Cover:
As for the book, we used a centerfold that includes the detailed introduction to all nine species of cicadas when spread open, we have realistic illustrations to show how each cicada really looks like, and on the other side is the intro to the process of their emergence, there is also a CD that includes the electronic version of all of these information.
李昱志 Yu Chih Lee : 標準字設計、插畫設計、文案企劃
黃貴城 Kui Shang Wong : 插畫設計、3D列印設計
丁嘉惠 Jia Hui Ding : 插畫設計、書籍排版設計
蔡郁平 Yu Ping Tsai : 書籍裝幀
曾巧茹 Qiao Ru Zeng : 包裝設計
一鳴驚人 Sounds Of Taiwan Cicada

一鳴驚人 Sounds Of Taiwan Cicada

〈一鳴驚人〉挑選 9 隻台灣特有種蟬,以傳統的竹蟬玩為創意發想,轉化為電子玩具設計,採用台灣特有蟬的鳴叫聲錄音檔類比分析,參考特有種蟬本身的顏色和形狀,分類蟬聲高低的形象運用,三角形代表高音,圓形代表中音,正方形代表低音,取齊聚識別度的色彩提供開發色彩計畫。創作宗旨即是希望將台灣特有種蟬的 Read More
