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AIGA Charlotte Design + music poster

AIGA Charlotte Design + Music Poster
The goal of this project was to submit a poster of you favorite band, song, or album to be entered into the AIGA Charlotte Design and Music Poster Show. This is a show done in the Charlotte North Carolina area to highlight the power of design and AIGA’s influence in shaping the music industry. They would have a gallery of all the posters done along with food and live music. I started with a creative brief that helped me narrow down my ideas.
My favorite band is Imagine Dragons, so I decided to do the poster for their band. then created different thumbnail sketches of things I'd like to either use or try. Once I narrowed it down to 1 piece I began to expand on the piece.
Starting sketches
This is the final poster I ended up with. I based the background, the planets and stars, on the other-worldly feeling most of Their album covers have. I chose to use a dragon as the main graphic and instead of its head, I used the well known symbol that came around when their Evolve album dropped.
AIGA Charlotte Design + music poster

AIGA Charlotte Design + music poster

AIGA Charlotte design and music poster show
