Profil David Lyon

Personal work and Fine Art

Personal Work and Fine Art
Harrison Bergeron
digital draft for ongoing graffiti mural project
This will be the 4th incarnation of the mural. Its been painted multiple times before (entirely with spray paint). Regrettably I applied a finish that was a disaster and ruined the piece. So I and the woman I love are repainting it with a further iterated design. The mural is 7' x 14' 
9/11 memorial piece
Wood, Glass, Aluminum
I grew up in New Jersey. My family and I always loved the city. Obviously 9/11 impacted us the same way it did most folks. I wanted to do something to express my love of the city, remember the tragedy, and honor the heroes of that day.
The table is free-standing, has 500 wood block buildings (to scale), and no visible welds or hardware.
Alma the Younger
digital draft for an oil painting that hopefully I will get to paint one of these days...
produced in Painter X
Personal work and Fine Art

Personal work and Fine Art

Personal Work from over the years.
