Celina Mae Medina's profile

Pelikulektura Channel Intro

Pelikulektura Channel Intro
I made a new YouTube Channel intro for my own channel, Pelikulektura.

Pelikulektura is a YouTube Channel that also serves as my passion project on creating video essays and lectures about Filipino films and filmmaking.

Pelikulektura is a made-up word from the words "Pelikula" and "Lektura." 
"Pelikula" is the Filipino word for "film."
"Lektura" is the Filipino word for "lecture."

I used adobe after effects, adobe photoshop, and adobe premiere to create this.
Thought Process
This video is inspired by the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Introduction Logo for their films. I wanted to recreate that epic feeling that I felt as a fan while watching the opening credits.

Motion graphics, specifically Adobe After Effects used to be daunting to me. I was stubborn and tried to make motion graphics through Adobe Premiere. But when I envisioned this project, I knew that I had to face my fears and open After Effects.
I broke down the process of this video into three categories and four (4) scenes.

(Left to Right: Manuel Conde, Lino Brocka, Ishmael Bernal)

The first category contains two scenes.

For the first scene, I chose to feature three prominent 
Filipino National Artists for Film as an introduction for the video. 
By doing so, I attempted to recreate the way Marvel introduced its heroes.​​​​​​​
For the second scene, I used an excerpt from the critically acclaimed screenwriter,
Ricky Lee's film "Himala" directed by the Filipino National Artist for Film, Ishmael Bernal

I chose this scene specifically and attempted to keep the eyes centered to the line "Walang himala! (There is no such thing as a miracle)" 
due to its iconic nature in Philippine Cinema and Filipino pop culture.

I used these two scenes for the "Pelikula" category 
due to its significance to Philippine Cinema.

For the second category, the theme is "Lektura" (lecture).
I used three diagrams to highlight the structure of a screenplay.

(Left to Right: Three Act Structure, Dan Harmon's Story Circle, and The Hero's Journey)
The final category is the word "Pelikulektura" itself.

This shows the previous basic animation Pelikulektura:
a logo animation inspired by a digital camera's autofocus.​​​​​​​
I chose this color palette because I wanted to have a neat and clean look. I didn't want to use strong and loud colors because I felt like it would be too distracting from the other elements in the video.
I used the Filipino-inspired brush typeface called "Kawit
for the words "Pelikula" and "Lectura." 
The logo of Pelikulektura is made by my designer friend Renwin Uy.
I specifically requested the use of the typeface Barabara.
The music I used for this video is from YouTube's Audio Library. I wanted to go for a funky and modern feel so I chose the song "Giant" by The Grand Affair.
Final Thoughts:

I believe that putting thought into your creations is important as an artist.
Storytelling through your craft is what gives your creations a unique voice.

Because it is your voice.

I am not an expert motion graphic artist or a designer. 
I still have to improve on a lot of things before I am confident to be able to refer to myself as such. I'm just happy that I am exploring skills that are outside of my comfort zone.
Pelikulektura Channel Intro


Pelikulektura Channel Intro

New YouTube Channel Intro for Pelikulektura. In this project, I was able to breakdown the process of making this video.
