DesignUp is a Conference and a community of Product Creators, Designers, Makers and Thought-leaders in India and SE Asia. It also curates different events like workshops, masterclasses and meet-ups across India and in Asia. The conference attracts User Experience and Interaction Designers, Product & Design Leaders, Ux Researchers, UI & Motion Experts as well as Front-End Engineers and Data scientists from over 250 companies.
Role : Designer
Merchandise is a big part of conference branding, it is a great tool for brand recall when conference goers proudly bring back and use it in their offices or even in their personal day to day use. Since most of the event attendees are designers or passionate about design themselves, our conference kit and purchasable merchandise had to be relevant, fun and engaging. The content needed to reference design principles, quotes by popular designers and we wanted to go ahead and mark important days for designers in the calendar spreads and also bookmark the next year's event.  
Visual Language Exploration
DesignUp Merchandise

DesignUp Merchandise
