Niles wasn’t satisfied with the collection of fauna he had amassed from the far reaches of the globe. Giant Moas, Stellar’s Sea Cows, and even his Atlas Bear mount wasn’t enough. He wanted something so elusive that it was only written of on one page in a 17th century book from his library. He had heard of The Great Carp during his travels in the Far East and the supposed treasure that resided inside of it. He had experience hunting Sperm Whales and selling Ambergris to the various monarchs in Europe which would prove to be essential. During only several months out in the Pacific Ocean he spotted The Great Carp, her scales shimmering from the full moon that rested just above the waves. For five years Niles tracked The Great Carp until finally he could get close enough to fire the harpoon.
The Great Carp

The Great Carp

The race to capture the world's most elusive fauna.
