Profilo di Matheus Mendes

Beauty messages to the city.

Progettazione per Surface

Uma das maneiras mais legais de aproximarmos as pessoas da arte é colocando ela na rua. Por isso, criamos esse mural  que faz parte de um projeto onde vamos espalhar por Porto Alegre frases de otimismo em diversos lugares da cidade. Esta é uma maneira de dar mais vida para os muros de cidades e conectar quem anda na rua com doses de inspirações diárias.

One of the coolest ways we can bring people closer to art is by putting it on the street. Therefore, we created this mural that is part of a project where we will spread in Porto Alegre phrases of optimism in various places of the city - in this case, the phrase was Let there be no lack of beauty in your journey in portuguese.  This is a way of bringing more life to city walls and connect those who walk on the street with daily doses of inspiration.

Designed by, 2019

Sign Painting: Matheus Mendes and Tatiana Forneck
Photos: Matheus Mendes and Tatiana Forneck.

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Beauty messages to the city.


Beauty messages to the city.

One of the coolest ways we can bring people closer to art is by putting it on the street. Therefore, we created this mural that is part of a pro Leggi di più
