Joey Eckert sin profil

VALORANT - Agent Select UI Redesign

( In Game Agent Select UI - Redesign )
As you all know VALORANT has been in beta and out since early April, 2020. Nothing against RIOT Games' new character based tactical shooter UI, I just felt it could use some updating to help elevate the user experience! I'm always one to give credit where credit is due so after watching Travis (Creative Grenade) pump out his version of the character picker, I decided to test my skills and showcase mine to the world!
*I did not create any of the character artwork*. I would love to credit the original artist but was unable to find their names or portfolios so please comment below if you know who they are! Everything else was clipped out and created in Adobe Photoshop. My goal in the nearby future is to make this animate with the help of Adobe XD and/or After Effects.
I had a lot of fun flexing my creativity on this project! Please enjoy!
Shown above is RIOT Games current VALORANT Character Picker UI
Shown above is my take on how I felt VALORANT Character Picker UI should look. I've overlayed a grid to show clarity in regards to layout.
Shown above you will see that I have hovered on Jett but haven't locked in the character selection yet. 
You will also notice that Skadoodle, nn0thingg, and Sprauncy have all locked in their selection highlighting them all in green.
You will also notice that the characters "Viper" and "Raze" are currently locked.
Shown above you will see that all players and opposing players have locked in their character selections with 7 seconds to spare.
VALORANT - Agent Select UI Redesign

VALORANT - Agent Select UI Redesign

Redesign intended to help elevate the current Character Picker UI for RIOT Games new tactical based shooter 'VALORANT'.
