“Rukavychka” is a supermarket chain in western Ukraine presented on the market since 2003. Now the chain includes more than 150 stores. The client came to us with the task to bring a new own-brand to the market. “Sirko” is one of the characters from “The Glove” (Rukavychka in Ukrainian) fairy tale, that we had to revive for own-brand for kids. The goods are in the middle prices segment.

The target audience are young moms, preschool and school-age children and also it should be interesting for students. So we had to make a flexible solution for different audiences.

We understood that parents evaluate and choose a product for their child by quality, while children pay attention to the colorful picture. It was important in design to combine ratio and emotion. The competitors on the shelves mostly look motley with lots of bright elements, so we knew exactly that the design had to be clean.

Our decision was to create the positive character from children's fairy tale that appeals not only to children, but also to teens and adults. The main task we set to ourselves was to pass the emotion of the fun, lightness and at the same time, to keep the focus on the rational characteristics of the product. To develop a bright and clean design. With the copywriting we strengthened the role of the character and added emotionality. That’s why our character is easily revealed on various channels of communication.

Packaging for Sirko

Packaging for Sirko
