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Finite State Machine practice

Using Finite State Machines
The tools used here were based on an assignment in my "Artificial Intelligence for Games" course. In this assignment, we were tasked with recreating and completing a finite state machine that would control certain behaviors on an AI enemy. For my project, I Incorporated that same logic and created an animation using the FSM.

As you can see up above I used an FSM to control what states would be active on the start of the level. In hindsight, they would be used to trigger the start animation in my level using the animator. 
The class assignment taught me how to assemble and use them correctly. I chose to display this topic because it was the easiest for me to understand and fully grasp. Unlike the other assignments, this was one that I could implement very quickly.

FSM's are like flowcharts and make it super simple to bridge together animations. In future projects, I want to use the FSM to create these animations for characters and AI.

Finite State Machine practice

Finite State Machine practice


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