This evening wear collection that is inspired by the French 1920’s designer, Jeanne Lanvin, and her love for “romantic dresses”. Best known for her signature Lanvin Blue in each collection. 
It is also based around Jane Austen’s novel “Sense and Sensibility”. In the novel, Elinor represents the qualities of “sense” and her sister Marianne represents the qualities of “sensibility”. These attributes reflect the time period in which the novel takes place; where the cultural movements of Neoclassicism and Romanticism are clashing with one another, just as the sister do throughout the novel. 
Neoclassicism is emphasized as structured, restrained, and based on the Classical age of the Greek and Romans. Romanticism is subjected toward being more flowing, emotional, and based in the Medieval and Baroque eras. 
I combined the novels motifs of these movements and Lanvin’s romantic dresses to create a line that has silhouettes that are structured and flowing, that are covering the body, yet are transparent, and that are calm yet moody and dramatic. All while keeping true to that Lanvin Blue.
Sense & Sensuous
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Sense & Sensuous

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