Design of temporary attractions for a shopping mall that offer this installations as play zones to entertain children. They consist of different games and activities organized in various stands. 
Zone of Mermaids and Pirates 2020
Summer's exhibit consisted in joining an island. The design was based on the beach, friendly pirates and mermaids. There was a fake aquarium and plenty of fun activities like a treasure hunt, walk the plank, photo booth and other games.
Sweet Village of Santa 2019
The Christmas attraction consisted in the concept of Santa's village. This town was formed by six houses: the library where children could read, the gift shop where they built towers of gifts, the bakery where they made desserts with play-duh, the art gallery to paint and draw, the post office to make the letter to Santa and the toy shop to play with toys.  
Play zones

Play zones

Temporary play zones for kids in a shopping mall
