Profil von Vilevo Symenouh

Rebranding a Potential

A Rebranding Case Study Sneak Peek

Find the full case study of this rebranding project through the link below :

Rebranding The Agency : A Continent's Call

How do we celebrate Africa, the continent of all the opportunities ? How do you depict the outstanding possibilities this untamed continent has to offer to the world ? How to show that the future is definitely here ? 

These are among the most thrilling questions we faced while trying to connect them with the purpose of the agency : enabling actors from various sectors to reveal their true potential through challenging communication and marketing projects. 

This should firmly helps AOS AFRICA to both reframe its purpose and position itself as the leading agency through its ability to really unveil Africa's potential. A strong visual identity and branding system will enable achieve such an aim.

Back To Roots : How We Went From This...

To this....

Find the full case study of this rebranding project through the link below :

Rebranding a Potential


Rebranding a Potential

Rebranding AOS Africa Case Study Brand Identity
