Saunders house

Architect: Todd Saunders.
Interior architect and design: Manuela Hardy.
3D and visualization: Damir Fattakhov.
Year: 2020

Elite home project in Bergen, Norway. Will be implemented soon. Two floors, + one floor below ground level.
The main material is wood, with elements of glass and concrete and stone. Despite the fact that the tree itself is heavy material, there are large and lightweight windows for balance. Dark stone is also used as an important element of decor.

It was important for the client to make the house cozy, warm, lively and light. At the visualization level, I decided to make atmospheric light warm and scattered with small rays of the sun (in some rooms the light is cold to simulate the evening hours). The inner artificial light is just as warm, at the level of 4000-4500 Kelvin. The contrast of the renderings is moderately high. All the surroundings and plants in the courtyard of the house were also made in 3D. Full CGI. Project was made in two render engines Corona and Fstorm.


Wooden paradise

Wooden paradise

Wooden paradise by Damir Fattakhov @sacifair Location: Bergen, Norway. Architect: Todd Saunders. Interior design: Manuela Hardy. Year: 2020
