
"There's nowhere to go and nothing to do" is not an uncommon phrase for anyone who lives in Lagos, Nigeria. More often than not, restaurants, beaches, bars and clubs become the only options for a nice day out as people believe there are no other alternatives.


As Lagos Tours is highly user focused, a lot of research was required to get things right. I concluded my research with personal interviews and these were the findings:
1. People who may want to be adventurous in Lagos do not always have people with a similar interest around them. 
2. "Where else is there to go?" - They're convinced the "hidden gems"  people claim there are is a myth.


Lagos Tours will take different groups of people on an "adventure" every Wednesday. Users get to decide what kind of place they would like to go and can also opt to be put in a group with one of their friends. This is to make users more comfortable and willing to participate at whatever location we decide for that week. Lagos tours has a blog section where users pen down their experiences with us, where they went and how enjoyable it was. In addition to the engaging and informative nature of the blog, it also helps users make the decision of where next they would like to go.

Lagos Tours

Lagos Tours

Lagos tours - Where would you like to go next?


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