Diagram illustrating the severity and frequency of Guatemala’s earthquakes and Antigua’s location among its fault lines.
Charcoal drawing illustrating existing conditions of sound reverberation on site, plan view.
Study model in materials breaking.
Study models in materials breaking.
Study model in volatile ground tectonics.
Sound amplification flooring system model, single unit.
Sound amplification flooring system model, aggregated units.
Sound amplification flooring system, diagrammed section elevation.
Site plan, 1/16" = 1'.
Site section elevation, 1/8" = 1'.
Site model, 1/4" = 1'.
Site model, 1/4" = 1'.
Live, in the Ruins

Live, in the Ruins

The Ruins and the Interior Landscape interdisciplinary studio invited both landscape architecture and interior architecture students to design a 자세히 보기


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